Thursday, January 17, 2013

Problem Solving

Many things can get in our way of reaching our intentions for the week ~ but problems can be solved.  These are the five steps we talked about in class tonight.

1.        Describe the problem in detail

a.       Be specific  and find the behavior chain.   Try to see the links in the action chain.
        Look for;

1.       Things that ‘cue’ you

2.       People who don’t support you

3.       Thoughts or feelings that get in your way

2.        Brainstorm your options.  Below are some from our discussion;

a.       Make sure your intention is SMART.  (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant and Time Based)

b.      Is it a good week to be working on this goal?  What is going on?

c.       Is this a lifestyle change you expect to adopt?

d.      Stop the all or nothing mentality ~ if you slip get back up and keep going.

e.      Call a friend or ask for support from your spouse.

f.        Share what might get in your way.

3.       Pick one option to try, choose one that is very likely to work and that you can do.

Try to break as many links in the behavior chain as you can.

4.       Make a positive action plan:

a.       I will….

b.      When?

c.       I will do this first….

d.      Roadblocks that might come up and how I’ll handle them….

e.      I will do this to make my success more likely….

5.       Try it.  See how it goes.

a.       Did it work?  If not, what went wrong?  Problem solve again. 

Problem solving is a process, keep working on it!

(From NLB Participant Handout:  Problem Solving)
 Work on your intention for this week.  Did it work?   If not, what went wrong?  Problem solve a new plan and write about it in your journal for an extra ticket next week.  Try again.

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