Monday, December 31, 2012

New Challenge begins 1/3/13

Turn Your New Year’s
Resolutions into Realities!!

Weekly Support to Help You
Reach Your Health & Nutrition Goals
For Men & Women Ages 18 & Up

Thursday, January 3, 2013
 6:00 p.m.
 Haines School Library
Cost is $35

Call 766-6367 with questions 

Friday, November 30, 2012

"You only get better with practice"

Haines' very own John Svenson said this to me once as I was weeble-wobbling around on the slack line outside his home. I love this statement because it motivates two dimensionally: With practice you will get better and you will only get better if you practice.
By now each of you should have the formation of a personal vision statement. This statement acts as a clear representation of your ideal self. The journey toward ideal is life long. By entering this community challenge you are one step closer to reaching the ideal version of you. Solidifying this vision will provide meaning to your shorter term goals. Behavioral change requires practice. You will have to work for it, give it time and put action behind it.
This week, the challenge is to use your journal (the one we provided or any other form you choose). Every morning you will look at your journal and read your intention for the week. Each night you will reflect on your day, specifically your intention. Try to make these reflections of successes and opportunities for growth.
At a past challenge we had Chorus Bishop talk with us about discipline and the three fundamental principles in Seibukan Jujutsu: Awareness, Assessment and Action.
Read more about it on this post "discipline who-likes-that-word"
Using this method, might prove helpful for learning self reflection in a productive manner.
Let's look at an example. Intention - This week I will run for 30 min 5 days per week. Reflection - I did not run today - I neglected to take clothes to work and it was cold and windy. My motivation to run was not strong enough to over come these pseudo excuses. It may be helpful to recruit a buddy to increase my accountability (Awareness and Assessment). Before bed tonight I will contact and make a commitment with one of my friends for a run date tomorrow. I will also pack my clothes tonight and put them by the door (Action).   

Journaling is a daily practice of getting to know our inner self. By truly recognizing and accepting our own strengths and weaknesses then we can begin to maximize and overcome. You only get better with practice.
Be Well and Fit!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Giving Thanks Yoga & Turkey Trot

Kick off Turkey Day the right Way!

Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2012
Yoga 8:30am and/or 5K Turkey Trot 9:45 am

Meet at the Haines School, $5.00 each activity
Kids under 12 Trot for FREE,  Yoga for ages 16 & up

Call 766- 6366 with questions.

Remember to write new intentions for the next week so you are moving towards your overall goals and see you at the next meeting on November 29th.

You can now comment on the blog without signing in first.  Just click on comments (either no comments or # of comments), type your comment and pick anonymous.  Your can sign your comment, if you want to, in the body of the comment.    

Happy Thanksgiving and hope to see you Thursday Morning.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Food as Medicine

Excerpt from Kari Natwick’s Wellness Radio Show presentation on 11-5-12. Kari provides Medical Nutrition Therapy; which is using food as medicine to treat or prevent a variety of diseases and medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, weight management, eating disorders, cancer or renal disease.
Along the lines of using food as medicine, let’s look at the role that nutrition and physical activity plays in disease prevention and management.   
We all have the power to prevent these all too common disease through changes in our lifestyle.  Managing or preventing chronic disease is hard work, but it can be done.  Managing or preventing chronic disease is all about lifestyle and making changes that not only reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases, but can improve your overall wellbeing.  Set small realistic goals to create a healthier lifestyle for yourself and your family.
Today I’m here to talk about a few ideas of things that everyone can do in order to prevent or manage chronic disease. 

1.      Eat Healthy

A healthy diet can help to protect you from heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers.  So, what does it mean to eat healthy?   There are so many definitions of what a healthy diet means or can look like.  Never before, have there been so many fads and misinformation regarding nutrition, diet and their relationship to health.  So, I want to simplify this message.  Eat foods as close to their form in nature as possible.  This means, shopping the perimeter of your grocery store, buying more fruits and vegetables, decreasing processed foods such as anything that comes in a box, and though eating foods from “the store outside your door.”   A phrase coined by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium  and Chef Rob Kineen from Anchorage. 
We are so lucky to live in Alaska because we have a bounty of food right outside of our door that is good medicine and prevents disease.  Just to give you a couple of examples…
Foods such as salmon, black cod, and herring contain Omega 3 Fatty Acids.  Now, aggressive medical studies are showing that fish oils, including Omega-3, alters the production of an important group of biological compounds known as eicosanoids. These compounds affect blood pressure, blood clotting, inflammation, immune function and coronary spasms.
Scientists have known for years that Omega-3 offers heart-healthy benefits, including:
  • Helping to decrease blood lipids (cholesterol, LDL's, and triglycerides)
  • Increasing relaxation in larger arteries and blood vessels
  • Decreasing the inflammatory processes in blood vessels
The Omega-3 oils found have been linked to improvements in or prevention of certain kinds of cancer, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, arthritis, asthma, certain kinds of mental illness, depression and lupus.
The recommendation is that each of us consumes seafood twice a week, and if this seafood is Alaska Wild Salmon, or other seafood high in Omega 3 Fatty Acids, this will help you and your family to reduce the risk of disease.
Another example of health from the “store outside your door” is found in Alaska Blueberries and Cranberries.  These Alaskan berries have proven to have some of the highest antioxidant values, far superior to their domestic counterparts in the lower 48.  All blueberries contain powerful polyphenols a type of micronutrient that work as antioxidants to repair damaged cells in your body, helping to prevent cancer, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. These antioxidants help our bodies to repair the damage that is done to them through activities such as smoking, poor diet, stress, and lack of physical activity. 
Another component to having a healthy diet that prevents disease is to eat more Fruits and Vegetables.  Again, the goal with making changes in your life is to start small.  If you currently eat only 1 fruit or vegetable per day, then try to eat two; Add fruit to your breakfast; add a vegetable to your lunch or dinner.  Just choose one small realistic and attainable goal.  If you currently consume the recommended number of fruits and vegetables, then make it a goal to add variety.  One example is to focus on fruits and vegetables that are varied in color.  In doing so, you will be consuming a variety of antioxidants and nutrients.  Try adding kale to your salads or soups, or adding sweet potatoes to your casseroles.
Cook together. Eat together. Make family meals a real priority as often as you can. Preparing food is a loving way to share time and bring generations together. Measuring, stirring, and chopping can be as comforting as other routine, everyday tasks. Kneading bread can be downright therapeutic. If you live alone, reach out to family, friends, or co-workers – and break bread together. Eat together at home, eat together at restaurants, eat together at work, and eat together at a picnic.
2.      Get out and move.  Be active.  People who don’t exercise and are overweight are at greatest risk for developing Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes.  Physical activity is anything, and I mean anything, that gets your body moving.  Start at a comfortable level, and once you get the hang of it, add a little more activity each time you exercise until you are active for 30 minutes per day. 

Haines has great options for classes to increase your level of physical activity.  If that doesn’t interest or work for you, then I encourage you to get out in nature and explore the beautiful trails and beaches of your communities.  If you aren’t able to do then, then just move more in your own house.  Take an extra trip up the stairs, or stand up and stretch during commercial breaks.

Another option that is available for most people is to walk.  Walking is good for your body, your brain, and your mood. When you find a few good walking buddies, it’s good for your social life too! Walking is fun, easy, and probably the cheapest workout on the planet. All you need is well fitting, comfortable walking shoes. Put on a pair - and start walking your way to health and happiness today!

If you have children, encourage your whole family to get outside and get active by going for a hike, snow shoe, walk or bike ride together.  The recommendation for children is to be active for 60 minutes per day, and the AAP recommends no more than 2 hours of television watching per day. 
Whatever your physical fitness level, again, it’s important to be realistic and to set small attainable goals for yourself and for your family.  Even 10 minutes of activity before work or before your evening dinner can have enormous benefits for your body, your stress level, and for preventing disease.  If you can’t fit in 30 consecutive minutes of physical activity every day, then break it up into 3 – 10 minute segments.  Doing so has proven to be enormously beneficial.
3.      Stop smoking or chewing tobacco
Most people associate cigarette smoking with breathing problems and lung cancer. But did you know that smoking is also a major cause of heart disease for men and women?
About 20% of all deaths from heart disease in the U.S. are directly related to cigarette smoking. That's because smoking is a major cause of coronary artery disease.
A person's risk of heart disease and heart attack greatly increases with the number of cigarettes he or she smokes. Smokers continue to increase their risk of heart attack the longer they smoke. People who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day have more than twice the risk of heart attack than nonsmokers.
 For help to quit smoking call 1-800-784-8669 (The Alaska’s tobacco Quit Line)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Your Vision Statement

Stephen Covey in “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” says “Begin with the end in mind”.  So we began the Challenge writing our own personal vision statements.
Reading about the power of vision statements make them exciting and you realize it is a place to return when you get off track with what you want out of life.  You were given some excellent worksheets to help with the vision.  For those who did not attend but might be interested in writing a vision statement for yourselves here are some things to help with your reflections and get you started on your vision: 
What are 5 things you highly value in life?
In 30 sec what are the 3 most important goals in your life right now?
If given one million dollars to give away what would you do with it?
How would you like to spend the last 6 months of your life?
What have you always wanted to do but were to afraid to attempt?
What gives you the greatest feeling of purpose or importance?
List 5 personal strengths.
List 5 personal weaknesses.
A vision statement expresses what we will feel, hear, think, say and do as if we have reached the vision and should be written in the present tense.  Imagine the picture ~ what would you look and feel like at your ideal wellness?
There is no right or wrong way to write your vision unless it doesn’t reflect who you really want to be. 

What is the Well & Fit Community Challenge?

This might help explain what happens at the challenge and our expectations:

v  Attend class.  This 12 week session will be split into two 6 week sessions; 
                              First Session ~ 11/1/12 to 12/13/12,
                              Break ~ 12/20/12 to 1/24/13
                                    Second Session ~ 1/31/13 to 03/07/13

v  Write three 12 week smart goals: 1. Physical Fitness Goal 2. Nutrition 3. Personal Growth.    

v  Write a one week smart intention each week to move you toward your 12 week goals. For example: I will eat one piece of fruit with breakfast.  

Ø  The intentions will be carried over each week. So that by the end of the challenge you have 12 personalized steps that you are working on, to take you closer to your overall goal of improved health and fitness.  For example:  Week 1. I will eat one piece of fruit for breakfast. Week 2. I will be on time to work. Week 3. I will run at least 20 steps of my 20 minute walk. This means week 3 you are actually eating a piece of fruit for breakfast, arriving on time to work and running 20 steps…

v  Be active at least 20 consecutive minutes daily.  This is above and beyond your usual daily activity. You will be given 3 programs for fitness that can be adapted to the individual. We expect you to do these as well. One of them will count as part of your 20 min the other two will be in addition to.

v  You will also be given focused nutrition information each week. We expect you will take this information and make specific adjustments to your normal nutritional habits.

v  Read the “Well & Fit Community Challenge Blog at, (under local blogs) ~ comments always welcome ~ this will earn you one extra ticket for the weekly drawing. 

v  If weight loss is a goal we encourage you to keep a daily log of your intake through a food tracker or nutrition journal. This can be simply writing each item down in the blank journal provided or using an online tracker.

Starting a New Challenge 11/1/12

We, Marnie Hartman and Pam Sloper, are back with a new challenge, with some exciting changes.  We are having a split session with a time between when you can really incorporate those new habits and then come back for some additional support or the next steps.  If you can’t make the first session you are still welcome to start the second session.  First session runs through 12/13/12 and the second 6- week session starts up on 1/31/13.  The $35 fee is good for the entire session and it all comes back to you.  We are meeting on Thursday evenings, 6 to 7 pm, at the Haines School Library. 
Wondering why you should participate in the Well & Fit Community Challenge?  
·          It is low cost!   Only $35 for the entire program and the money comes back to you in way of cash and prizes for participation and success.  
·          It’s more than just about losing weight – the goal is for holistic health in the six areas of wellness. 
·          It’s flexible – instead of being told what to do, each individual is given the tools to create their own unique challenge based on personal goals. This will encourage long term change.
·          It’s about teamwork – even though participants register as individuals, we will encourage you to use others participating in the challenge and recruit your friends, family and neighbors to support you!
·          You can win for yourself – in addition to feeling better and having more energy, you will have the opportunity to meet new people and win some cash.
·          It’s for you, for life! – Well & Fit Community Challenge will help you make lifelong changes that can add years to your life and enjoyment to those years.   
The concept behind this challenge is to “find your balance.” Using the traditional model of wellness, which incorporates social, intellectual, physical, spiritual, emotional and environmental wellness; look for areas in your life that could use more balance. Use the challenge to improve on these areas. Please keep in mind that this challenge is for you! You have succeeded even if you make small changes to improve just one area of wellness!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The End is Coming

It is hard to believe that we are almost at the end of this challenge.  Next week (3/22) will be our last meeting of this session.  Since I will be out of town that week I would like to start doing cholesterol retesting this week.  I will get set up at the school by 5:00 pm today (3/15) and if any of you are available to show up a little early that would be very helpful.  We will do the repeat step test and fitness testing on 3/22.  This is so exciting....... 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Great Taste!

The quinoa dish was easy and tasty.  Marnie asked me if a learned anything new from the class and I think for me it was really how easy it is to cook a good tasting, healthy meal.  We tend to eat the same things every week, so just make sure you are using good fresh ingredients, that are healthy and that you like, and your meals can be simple and taste good.   

These recommendation from The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:  March is National Nutrition Month, and this year The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) encourages you to “Get Your Plate in Shape.” Each March, the Academy encourages Americans to return to the basics of healthy eating. This year's National Nutrition Month theme encourages consumers to ensure they are eating the recommended amounts of fruits, vegetables, grains, protein foods and dairy each day. This year’s theme also builds on the USDA's MyPlate, which in June 2011 replaced MyPyramid as the government's primary food group symbol — the easy-to-understand visual cue that helps consumers adopt healthy eating habits consistent with the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. MyPlate divides the plate into four sections: fruits, vegetables, grains and proteins, with a glass representing dairy products. MyPlate shows consumers how they can incorporate the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines into every meal. People should make sure half of their plate is fruits and vegetables, and half their grains are whole grains. They also should switch to fat-free or low-fat milk, limit their salt, and reduce their intake of solid fats and added sugars. To learn more about National Nutrition Month, go to

If you are tracking your food you should be able to track these and ensure you are eating what is recommended at least during the remainder of the challenge. 

We have less than three weeks left so look at your 12 weeks goals and see how close you are or how you might have to step it up to reach them.  Finish strong! 

Mandy will be here this week talking about gardening and showing us some yoga moves so wear comfortable clothes.  On 3/15 we will be doing follow-up lab work and making collages  and on 3/22 we will repeat the fitness testing and wrap it up!  

Don't forget the Lunafest Fundraiser for the Haines Cancer Travel Fund on Friday night (3/9) at Harriett Hall.  Dinner, silent auction, and films for $15/advance tickets at the Babbling Book. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Here is what you have told us:

What you have learned:  How to get out of a hole while snowshoeing;; how to lose 1 or 2 lbs a week;  exercise is good for the brain and will decrease dementia; journaling foods really helps with awareness,  keeping on track and seeing places to make small changes;  setting goals that are manageable; different ways to exercise and why it's good to change things up; how to snowshoe; setting small goals to meet a large goal;  more than just physical activity involved in a healthy lifestyle;  the big three (plank, push-ups and lunges); how to make reaching your goals easier

How many are on track to reach your 12 week goals:
Nutrition:             50% YES     7% NO      43% SOMEWHAT
Physical Activity:  35% YES       0 NO       36% SOMEWHAT
Personal Growth:  28% YES    14% NO    57% SOMEWHAT

33 lbs have been lost by the 57% who are trying to lose weight.

71% of you have changed your exercise routine with the majority exercising 3-5times a week.

78% have changed nutritional behaviors.

71% are keeping a food journal with a pretty even spread between where you are keeping that log.

50% of you feel better about yourself.

And 78% of you expected what you are getting from the program.

You would like more information on:  How to keep mentally happy during the dark days of winter; have a weigh in for those that want it;  nutrition;  how to stay motivated;  specific information of how much water a person needs;  info on vitamin/dietary supplements recommended; portion sizes; a syllabus up front so you know what is coming up; some activities closer in town;  getting rid of belly fat; good carbs?;  good protein?; personal consultation with "that exercise guy";  hear from Dr. Naylor again;  and Marnie as your BFF.

Kari Natwick, SEARHC Dietician,  will be doing a food demo & answering your nutrition questions this week in the kitchen class room. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

When you are in over your head

those hiking poles will come in handy!   Thanks to CJ we have some new insights into hiking;  keep your weight over your feet both going up and down, leave the little black shoes for another time and during the winter you can go places you can't get to in the summer.  When talking about what gets her out and what keeps her motivated she said she has been hiking and skiing since she was three.  That is so important is this day of video games and computers, if you have young children or access to young children as a grandparent, aunt, uncle, Big Brother, Big Sister, take those children outside and help them to love the outdoors and moving. It's easy to love the beautiful outdoors in Haines.  

You might want to reread the the last few blogs to be ready for this week. 

Please put the Luna Bar Film Fest and Silent Auction on your calendar for March 9th.  It is a fundraiser for the Haines Cancer Travel Fund sponsored by WISEWOMAN and South East Alaska State Fair. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." ~ Peter Drucker

The book  "brain rules" by John Medina  includes "12 principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home and School." .  Rule #1:  Exercise boosts brain power.  We hear more and more about how activity helps us learn.  Medina says "Aerobic exercise just twice a week halves your risk of general dementia.  It cuts your risk of Alzheimer's by 60%."   Jeanne talked about how our brains are plastic which refers to the plasticity or neuroplasticity, which is the ability of our brains to change with new experiences and to create new neuropathways so we can remember the new things we are learning. 

 The second book she talked about was "Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" by Daniel H. Pink. Pink talks about three elements that motivate us; autonomy, mastery, and purpose.  Jeanne says autonomy is deciding what we want to do and with whom, mastery is finding something that is "just right" for us, "like Goldilocks", and purpose is something with a meaning to who we are in the big picture.  She also talked about the theory of "flow" which is getting lost in something you enjoy. 

Hope you all saw the "four tips for staying fit" also from the book "Drive" on the back of the handout:  1. Set your own intrinsic goals; 2. Ditch the treadmill, unless you really like treadmills; 3.  keep mastery in mind as" getting better at something provides a great source of renewable energy";  and 4.  reward yourself the right way with a "now that" reward. I hope you take some time to read it. 

We are into week six, are your 12 week goals still where you want to go?  Do you need to make some adjustments?  How can the group help you? 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

"Discipline....Who likes that word?"

Chorus taught us the three fundamental principles in Seibukan Jujutsu: Awareness, Assessment and Action. Awareness is being honest with yourself and looking at the situation you are in.  Assessment is making a connection with what you know about yourself. Action is making a decision to change or accept your situation. 
The Martial Arts Culture brings together people with a common goal and teaches an increased ability to meet the demands of life.  Sometimes there is no escape but to fight back and this brings feeling of anger, fear and frustration.

I think these principles and culture can be said about "The Challenge" as well.  We have come together with a common goal: to try to make some change in our lives.  There is an awareness that we need to make a change.  Have you been honest with yourself about what that changes needs to be and made the connection with what you know about yourself?  Sometimes we come to awareness from something someone else may have said and we jump right to action.  It is important to take the time to be honest and own that awareness before we can really take action.  Look at your twelve week goals again and again and make sure they are what you want and if they are, set those weekly intentions to meet those goals.  If not, take some time, rewrite the goals and again set those weekly intentions to get you where you want to go.  Be honest, figure out what you really want and then go for it.  You are investing 12 weeks, so make it worth your time. 

The Dick Hotch Basketball Tournament is this weekend and WISEWOMAN is sponsoring a "Pack the Gym Red" Day on Saturday, 2/11.  This is an "awareness to action campaign" to increase your knowledge of the #1 Killer; Heart Disease. If you come out on Saturday, 2/11, wear Red!

The Southeast Alaska State Fair & Well & Fit Community Council is partnering for the Winter Olympics on Saturday, February 18th, starting with a Community Skate at 10:00am (weather permitting), ski & sled races, softball and golf in the snow, and a Chili Cook Off.  Put it on your calendar and watch for further details. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Don't brag on yourself....

...but do brag to yourself.  Cheri says self talk is very powerful and remember when you do talk to yourself to reinforce the positive. 

You can find that recipe for the dehydrated cookies Cheri brought in at or there are several good books at the library if you want to learn more.  

I have been reading about the Six Word Memoir or your life story in six words.  Your challenge this week is to bring your Six Word Memoir to class to share.  My first attempt is "WISEWOMAN nurse on journey to health."  Give it a try. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Off to a Great Start

From your reports we are off to a great start.  Sharing your successes and some of your barriers to reaching your weekly intentions with your team and the entire group was very inspirational. 

A big THANK YOU to Greg Schlacter for helping with the fitness testing and teaching us about physical activity.  The fitness testing was actually fun and informative and many people were surprised and happy with their results.  It will be even more fun at the end of the challenge to see how much we have improved. 

The current physical activity norms for our country are for 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity at least 5 days a week.  We have asked you to commit to at least 20 minutes every day during the challenge, at a minimum.  One of the biggest questions we hear is what in "moderate intensity"? Greg talked about  "The Borg Category Rating Scale" of perceived exertion.  "Your exertion rating provides a fairly good estimate of the actual heart rate during physical activity" (Borg, 1998)   Greg explained that a rating between 12 to 14 is suggestive of moderate intensity.  6 is "no exertion at all" and "20 is maximal exertion".  This is how hard you feel you are working thus it is a "relative" scale ~ meaning it is your own feeling of effort and exertion, not how it compares to other people's.  So at "moderate intensity" we can somewhat carry on a conversation being able to say our name, but not our name and address, and if we can sing we need to step it up.  Challenge yourself this week to check where you are on the scale and make the adjustments you need to improve your fitness. 

The Well & Fit Community Council January Activity Event is a Snowshoe Hike up to Lilly Lake on Saturday, January 21st at 10:00am. The cost is $5, but if you bring a friend they go free!  Snacks and drinks will be provided and Alaska Mountain Guides has donated some snowshoes if you don't have any.  Put it on your calendar now as it will be an extra challenge next week and earn you extra points. 

Friday, January 6, 2012

Health Indicators Part 1

We had our kick off meeting last night Jan 5, 2012. I am excited to see a great mix of return participants and new comers. We spent our time outlining expectations, goal writing and establishing some initial health indicators.
                                And the results are…..
24 registered participants
2 males
22 females
Initial health indicators part 1:
Total weight 4275.2 lbs.
Average weight 178.1 lbs
Average American female weights 164lbs, male 191lbs
Blood Pressure
Normal: 120/80 – 11 of 24
Pre-hypertensive: >120/80 but less than 140/90 – 8 of 24
Hypertensive: 140/90 or greater – 5 of 24
Average BP for North America 127/77 pre-hypertension
BMI – Body Mass Index
Under weight: 18.5 or less - 2 of 24
Normal Weight 18.5 – 24.9 – 4 of 24
Overweight 25- 29.9 – 9 of 24
Obese greater than 30 – 9 of 24
Average American females at 5’3” and 164lbs = BMI of 29 overweight
Male 5’9.5” and 191lbs = BMI of 27.8 overweight

We already know Haines is above average but take a look at our numbers. As a group we fall right in line with the average American for being overweight. The blood pressure front demonstrates healthier than the average already but can we be even better?
Keep coming and follow the blog for Health Indicators part 2 including Cholesterol, Glucose and Fitness Testing.
Well&Fit Community Challenge: committing 12 weeks  together to become better individuals!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Next Challenge Begins Thursday 1/5/12 at 6:00 pm

Challenge begins Thursday, January 5, 6:00 pm at the Haines School Library.  Come for the support and make the changes you would like to see in yourself. If you are considering joining the challenge, give some thought to what you would like to change.  Do you want to run a marathon or keep up with the grandkids when they come to visit or garden for hours without you legs and back getting sore?   Do you want to lose 10 lbs or learn to grow your own foods?  Do you want to pick up that guitar again or learn to meditate?  This challenge is about what you want to do. 

By an Unknown Monk, in 1100 A.D.,  When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn't change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn't change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family. Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world."