Monday, September 27, 2010

Falling into Inspiration

As the skis are grayer and the atmosphere dripping, many of us reach for comfort food and cozy sedentary activities. This scenario makes it more challenging to find inspiration. Yesterday, I laced up my running shoes and donned my rain jacket to hit the trails. As I dreaded going out in the wet and cold I was excited to catch up with a friend during the mushy hike. The woods beauty sheltered us from the blues of weather change. The trees glistened with rain drops. The greens and golds offered a sharp contrast against the muted sky. We laughed and slogged our way through the mud, feeling more energetic with each step.  Upon returning home I was looking forward to prepping for a dinner party rather than wishing I could resume my post on the couch with knitting and tea. That evening our insides were nourished with Rabbit Ragout, hand made pasta and a local grown cabbage salad. After the meal our friends shared some hidden talents of joke telling, singing and even video making. As I laid my head to rest, I realized I was filled with inspiration and enthusiasm for all the wonderment fall offers.

This week I wish you all inspiration and encourage you to share a story that may inspire others. Like getting out into the wet for the good of your body, mind and spirit or finding a comfort food recipe that lends itself to a healthy alternative, for example eating local or lowering the GI index by making it from scratch  ~Marnie

The Challenge for the week: Send a hand written card or note by mail to a friend.

Remember you can still earn an additional point if you bring a friend with you for Thursday's meeting.

Sept 30, 2010: The Challenge of Change/Healthy Body Image and Healthy Self Esteem.

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