Monday, November 22, 2010

Where have we been

On 11/11/10 we discussed what we learned so far and areas of continued struggles. Here is a quick recap:
Things learned
1. You (neither am I) are not the only one struggling with making lifestyle changes.
2. The use of a "trigger" can help to establish new behaviors. For example: "I will eat a piece of fruit with breakfast and lunch everyday." or "I will dedicate time for self reflection, prayer, and intentions while drinking my morning coffee, instead of checking emails."
3. Increased awareness of the empty eating/snacking during the day.
4. Drinking water while preparing meals prevents snacking.
5. My thoughts on food and exercise can drive my behaviors.
6. Having accountability improves follow through.

1. Sometimes I just don't want to....
2. Other commitments and routines like children and work schedules make exercise time difficult to find.
3. Finding the "what" in what is standing in the way.
Out of this discussion I can proudly say Nancy and Kim found accountability in each other and have become attendants of Morning Muscles! 

The Challenge for this week was to find a Healthy Holiday recipe to share. It is not too late. If you post a comment with a recipe attached you can still earn your bonus point.

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