Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Successes, Challenges and Ideas to Move Forward

Working together in groups was a good way for people to share their successes, challenges and then brain storm some ideas to move forward.  Congratulations to everyone for doing well.  Sometimes we feel stuck and don't even realize how we have moved forward until given the chance to share. 

Thanks Ron for taking the time to read the blog and comment every week and a big congratulations to you on reaching and exceeding your personal growth goal.  Ron's goal was to learn three new songs on his guitar. He is now up to about six new songs, getting his fingers back in shape and playing once a week with a friend at HAL.  Vince reports that the residents talk non-stop about how much they enjoy the music.  More successes reported:  Better choices when shopping, getting salt off the table, decreasing sugar and soda pop, eating better, "keeping what I don't want out of the house," tracking food helpful and weight loss. 

The challenges include two things we don't have much control over;  the cold weather we have experienced over the past couple weeks and illness.  Hopefully we are on an upswing from both of those two now.  Other challenges were trouble writing weekly goals and exercising on a consistent schedule.

And last we had a good discussion on how to move forward and overcome those challenges:   Get plenty of sleep, try to find an exercise buddy, schedule your exercise time like an appointment, reward yourself and if having trouble with one goal change it up and work on something else for a week.  An example of that was if you have a shoulder injury, work on a personal growth goal, giving the shoulder time to heal up. 

Looking forward to Nutrition next! 

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