Friday, November 2, 2012

Your Vision Statement

Stephen Covey in “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” says “Begin with the end in mind”.  So we began the Challenge writing our own personal vision statements.
Reading about the power of vision statements make them exciting and you realize it is a place to return when you get off track with what you want out of life.  You were given some excellent worksheets to help with the vision.  For those who did not attend but might be interested in writing a vision statement for yourselves here are some things to help with your reflections and get you started on your vision: 
What are 5 things you highly value in life?
In 30 sec what are the 3 most important goals in your life right now?
If given one million dollars to give away what would you do with it?
How would you like to spend the last 6 months of your life?
What have you always wanted to do but were to afraid to attempt?
What gives you the greatest feeling of purpose or importance?
List 5 personal strengths.
List 5 personal weaknesses.
A vision statement expresses what we will feel, hear, think, say and do as if we have reached the vision and should be written in the present tense.  Imagine the picture ~ what would you look and feel like at your ideal wellness?
There is no right or wrong way to write your vision unless it doesn’t reflect who you really want to be. 

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